June 2024 – Corteny Robbs

1. Tell us about yourself:
Hi, my name is Corteny and I was born and raised in Oxnard, CA. I have an amazing wife, Amanda, a son named Jade, and a little one on the way! I love being outdoors, eating, and listening to live music.

2. What do you do for a job?
I am a Police Officer for the Oxnard Police Department. After a few years of working patrol, I decided to join the SRO unit. I am now a School Resource Officer at Channel Islands High School, where I graduated. Go Raiders!!!

3. Tell us something people might not know about you:
I’m a huge Reggae head! I love going to Reggae festivals and chilling outdoors with loved ones.

4. What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
My wife forced me. I’ve always loved being active. I played basketball since the first grade all the way through high school. While in HS I picked up strict lifting and fell in love with it. As I continued to strict lift, my wife continuously ranted and raved about “how amazing CrossFit was”. She found BSCF and dragged me to watch her do an intro workout. In my head, all I could think about was, “What a joke, I ain’t doing this!” Next thing you know, I was back in that gym and forced to “give it a try”! After my first week, I fell in love with it!!

5. What was your first impression? How has that changed?
I thought CrossFit was a joke until my first workout at BSCF. That first workout QUICKLY humbled me. Within the first few months of learning Olympic lifts and gymnastics, I saw a change in my endurance and strength. The workouts are great, but the coaches and community keep me coming back.

6. What was your first “bright spot”?
My first bar muscle up and strict ring muscle up!!

7. What are you working on now?
Building my cardiovascular endurance and overhead squats.

8. What’s your favorite Beachside CrossFit memory?
Watching my niece, Kaiya, participate in the BeachSide Kids competition and killing it!