July 2020 – Christina Fernandez

Christina is new to CrossFit and has decide to take control of what she can control. Before and after photo that represents my 45 lb. weight loss strictly with CrossFit. The before photo was taken 2 weeks before my first session with you back in December(2019) and the after was taken 6/24/20 . Thank you for inspiring us to work to become healthier better versions of ourselves.

Tell us about yourself
I’m 30 years old and recently moved back to Ventura County from the East Coast. I’m originally from Connecticut, but spent the last year splitting my time between Washington D.C. and Massachusetts. I LOVE traveling and spending time outdoors and when I’m not working you’ll most likely find me hiking or at the beach with friends. 

What do you do for a job?
I’m the Creative Director and Lead Designer for a Digital Creative Marketing Firm based here in Ventura. I’m also a Freelance Brand & Lifestyle Photographer.

Tell us something people might not know about you:
I coached Girls’ Basketball for 8 years and was a competitive Ballroom Dancer for 2 years.

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
Growing up I was an avid athlete. I played basketball for 9 years and also participated in other sports including Soccer, Track & Field as well as off-season Weight Lifting up until I tore my meniscus in high school resulting in two surgeries and a meniscectomy that took me off the court indefinitely. Over the years, I’ve really missed the challenge, routine and camaraderie that comes along with being an athlete, which is what initially drew me to CrossFit.

What was your first impression? How has that changed?
I’d say I had a pretty warped depiction of what CrossFit would be like prior to joining Beachside. But when my friend Ji introduced me to the gym, I was so pleasantly surprised! Truthfully, I was pretty intimidated walking through those doors for the first time, but everyone that I have met here has been so kind, welcoming and encouraging. The coaches are incredibly knowledgeable, passionate and patient. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to join Beachside and really look forward to continuing to progress on my fitness journey.

What was your first “bright spot”?
I would have to say my last day of Foundations with Coach Mee and getting to see the progress I made from my first session. I wasn’t sure if I was going to beat my initial baseline workout time and was so surprised to see that not only did I beat it, I did so by almost 3 minutes!

What are you working on now?
Still being a newbie to CrossFit, I’m really focused on continuing to hone in on the technique and form of my lifts and being intentional with my movements. I’m also working on Pull-Ups and hope to be able to rock some Kip Swings by the end of the year!

What’s your favorite Beachside Crossfit memory?
Running endurance has always been a struggle of mine over the last few years. When I first started at Beachside back in December, I could barely run 400m without having to stop and walk. Recently, I was able to complete an 800m run in the middle of a 20 minute AMRAP without stopping which was a huge improvement for me and so far my favorite memory being at the gym