February 2021 – Pearce Swedfeger

Pearce is coming up on his 5th year with us at Beachside CrossFit and can be found working out with the legendary 5:30 a.m. crew. He started with us in 2016 and has been “Bubbly” ever since! Read below to learn more about this fun amazing athlete.

Tell us about yourself:
I grew up in Arizona and moved to California for college. I’ve lived in Ventura since 2012, and joined BSCF in 2016. I love to travel (…except last year) and have a passion for the outdoors and the environment.

What do you do for a job?
I work as a civil/environmental engineer at a local consulting firm. I also moonlight as a bartender, but I work for free, at my house, and serve only myself…so I don’t know if that really counts as a job?

Tell us something people might not know about you:
I’m pretty sure I hold the most moronic record at BSCF–for being the only person to complete a CrossFit workout after being pepper-sprayed. (And people wonder why females live longer than males.)

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
Like many others, I had done the “big box gym” thing for a while and was losing motivation, and looking for something more than just using the squat racks for bicep curls… I figured I’d give CrossFit a try and ended up loving it.

What was your first impression? How has that changed?
Honestly, when I first walked into CrossFit, I was pretty confident that I would pick up the lifts and movements easily. Boy was I in for a rude awakening! I have learned in my time at Beach Side that practice, patience, and consistency are all vital to improving.

What was your first “bright spot”?
My first bright spot was probably linking double-unders together. Somehow I let Nate convince me to sign up for a group competition after being at Beach Side for only a few months, and one of the workouts had a ton of double unders. That particular workout went poorly, but gave me the motivation I needed to figure it out!

What are you working on now?
Everything! Even after almost 5 years, I still have lots of room for improvement in most areas. Overhead lifts are a particular weakness.

What’s your favorite Beachside CrossFit memory?
Top secret birthday WODs and the rafting trip are definitely two of the highlights. If you’re curious about the birthday WOD, you’ll need to come to 5:30 am class to find out!