This inspiring gal makes time to keep herself healthy and fit so that she can continue to be an amazing wife and mom. We have loved Rachel’s intense dedication during workouts, always focused and ready to take on the next challenge!! Keep it up girl!
Tell us about yourself:
I was born in Chicago, grew up in Rhode Island, went to college at Texas A&M and have been fortunate to live a handful of other places. My husband, Justin, and I recently celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We have two amazing kiddos – John is 3 and Ellie is 18 months. Justin serves in the Navy and we love being stationed out here for the second time.
What kinds of sports or hobbies do you enjoy?
I love spending time with my family, traveling, arts and crafts (currently working on my kiddos’ Halloween costumes), spending time at the beach and watching Aggie football on Saturdays.
Tell us something people might not know about you:
Prior to having children, I worked as a CPA but am fortunate to now stay at home with our children.
What was your first impression of CrossFit? How has that changed?
My husband initially joined and encouraged me to try it. At first, I felt completely out of my comfort zone and like I couldn’t do anything. Everyone was so encouraging though and I can honestly say it has been life changing. In addition to the workouts, I also began incorporating the nutrition tips I learned, like focusing more on hitting my macros, upping protein intake, eating more real foods, etc. I remember taking a body comp test when I started and was shocked at how unhealthy I really was (i.e. skinny fat), however, after two children and 5 years later, I was amazed to see that I lost over 8% body fat over the years after making what I thought were just small changes. Crossfit is so much more than just an hour workout – the encouragement and knowledge I have gained has been amazing!
What skill are you working on now?
Always working on a better squat position! Also, I am working on kipping pull-ups and push-ups.
What’s your favorite Beachside CrossFit memory?
The Metcon class with Coach Cindy is amazing and all of the ladies are so encouraging and awesome!! 🙂 My first kipping pull-up was certainly a great memory (thank you Coach Cindy for capturing that one!). Since my kiddos attend the classes with me, I love that they get to see everyone in action and it is always so nice after a workout to have my son tell me that I did a “great job!” Love those moments!!