September 2024 – Nadir Lopez

1. Tell us about yourself:
Hi everyone! I am Nadir, I was born and raised in Jalisco, Mexico, and moved to Cali in ’09. I got my Economics degree from UCSC. After graduating, I moved to a small Island called Mallorca to teach English, it was a great experience, with pristine beaches, delicious food, perfect weather, and amazing wine! After suffering through that, I decided I needed to enjoy life, and what better way to do that than going back to school, so I moved to France to get my MBA, then decided the cheese, baguette, and wine life wasn’t for me, so moved back and here I am!

2. What do you do for a job?
I am currently a Strategic Sourcing Lead at Haas Automation, which is a fancy title for finding cheap suppliers in mostly developing countries and making as much margin as possible. It can be pretty stressful, but it has its perks! I was able to visit China this year and on the bright side, the added stress has been a great workout motivator!

3. Tell us something people might not know about you:
I am trilingual! Spanish was my first language, then learned English when I moved to CA and then French while getting my masters. I picked up some German when I lived in Berlin and took Italian back in college, but haven’t practiced those in a while. I would love to learn Arabic next!

4. What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
I kind of got tricked into it, I joined a boot camp training program at what ended up being a CrossFit gym. I joined in to lose weight and ended up staying after seeing the progress in my strength and overall condition, plus the amazing community!

5. What was your first impression? How has that changed?
I was super intimidated and impressed by seeing all the athletes perform and lift crazy amounts of weight! I remember starting to do all the movements with just the light barbell and not being able to hang on the bar for the life of me. I am still impressed with the skills that everyone has to be honest and realize all the hard work it takes to achieve these.
Having amazing coaches, especially Jess (since I am a 5:30pm regular), has made me feel more comfortable, she has helped me adjust the movements due to my multiple injuries as well as scaling down to build the strength to hopefully achieve more advanced movements in the future.

6. What was your first “bright spot”?
My first double under, it was something I thought I was never going to be able to do but made it!
Now I can go single, double, single, double, and that’s all! Ooooh recently, I did my first toes to bar! That was cool! 🙂

7. What are you working on now?
Pull-ups!! My mortal enemy… I am trying to strengthen my bad shoulder and gain more upper-body strength, doing a pull-up is def one of my current goals amongst so many others!

8. What’s your favorite Beachside Crossfit memory?
The day Jody dressed up as a unicorn has definitely been on the top 10… I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint only one though, I’ve met some of my best friends here, so this place will always have a special place in my heart! 🙂