October 2024 – Derrick Kimble

1. Tell us about yourself:

My name is Derrick. I was born in the Philippines but 3 months after I was born a volcano called Mount Pinatubo Erupted and my family and I evacuated to the US. My dad was in the military so I grew up all over the world having to move every 2-3 years. I have been in Ventura since 2010 so I consider myself from Ventura since it is the place I have lived the longest.

2. What do you do for a job?

I am a Digital Workplace Administrator for an outdoor company called Patagonia.

3. Tell us something people might not know about you:

I am super into video games. I also absolutely despise black liquorice. I am probably the second funniest person at the 5:30pm class (I’ll give Mark #1 he deserves it for sure).

4. What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?

Random story lol but I am 5’6″ and all of my friends are around 6 foot or taller. One of my best friends asked me to be apart of his grooms party and I of course accepted. When we all went to go to the suit fitting. We all were the same shirt size. I remember telling the lady that couldn’t be right as i was shorter but she said that we had “width” and that stuck with me lol I immediately looked into CrossFit the very next day and saw people raving about how fast they would see results.

5. What was your first impression? How has that changed?

First impression was “This looks easy I could come do it twice a day if my body feels good.” Um yea hell no hahahaha workouts are so great but CrossFit is never easy haha i way underestimated. But CrossFit for sure is one of the only workouts that actually is you vs you. I always recommend it to anyone who played sports growing up because i know after we become adults it is hard to find leagues or play the sports we used to as kids but CrossFit I feel fills that void for me.

6. What was your first “bright spot”?

I’d say my first bar muscle up! I honestly never thought that would be something I could accomplish. But I guess it just shows mind over matter and coaching lol

7. What are you working on now?

I’m working on A LOT! Trying to get better in climbing rope, snatches, any pull with rings, muscle ups.

8. What’s your favorite Beachside CrossFit memory?

I’d say the 2024 CrossFit open. I was super scared to participate because I don’t like eyes being on me lol but I totally forgot it is just the whole community behind you every single workout. It was so cool to see how into it everyone was and how everyone cheered each other on and it got me even closer to everyone at the gym just getting to sit there and talk before and after the workouts. Just shows how genuine the people at beachside are!