January 2025 – Taylor Plasch

1. Tell us about yourself:
My name is Taylor and I have lived in Ventura pretty much my whole life. I attended Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo and got my BS in Forestry and Natural Resources. I joined Beachside two years ago and have loved it ever since!

2. What do you do for a job?
I am a Harbor Patrol Officer in Santa Barbara. We respond to all sorts of emergencies on land and water. It’s an amazing job where I help people and be on boats!

3.Tell us something people might not know about you:
I grew up playing water polo and swimming and never ever thought I would join a gym, but one workout at BeachSide and I was sold.

4. What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
I have a job that can at times be physically demanding and I was looking for the best way to get strong and prevent injuries. I found CrossFit and never looked back.

5. What was your first impression? How has that changed?
My first impression was that the workouts were way too hard and I would always be sore. It turns out I was right. But what I’ve also realized is that Becahside has become so much more than a place to work out to me. It’s where I go when I’m sad, happy, or had a rough day, and no matter what the workout and community at the gym leave me feeling better than I was before.

6. What was your first “bright spot”?
My first pull-up!!! That was one of my goals long before I started CrossFit and achieving it was so great!!!

7. What are you working on now?
Pretty much everything but I’m really working on my jump rope skills and pull-ups!

8. What’s your favorite Beachside Crossfit memory?
I have so many but probably making every workout a partner workout with Stella and Dev and watching Professor Kai’s reaction.